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How Can I Run a Multi-Million Dollar Freight Agency?

The best independent freight agent networks don’t cater only to a single kind of agent. At Tallgrass, we believe in empowering agents to build their dream freight agencies — and to do it on their terms. From a single-agent brokerage to a multi-million dollar freight agency with employees, we support our agents’ success. Why? Because when they win, we all win.

Today, meet one of our most successful freight agencies at Tallgrass, a partnership between two freight agents that has grown to a multi-million dollar freight agency in just over three years. Their incredible growth trajectory can be largely attributed to the drive and vision of co-founders Jake H. and Jacob C. But they both agree that they never would have scaled quickly and sustainably without a freight brokerage like Tallgrass by their side. 

If you’ve ever asked “How can I run a multi-million dollar freight agency?” we’ve got the answer: With the right support, the sky’s the limit! 


The Power of Independence for Growth

While it can be difficult to run an independent freight agency without the support of a larger freight brokerage, some brokerages put too many restrictions on how their agents conduct business. It’s really a balance — you need both strategic support AND space for autonomy.

At Tallgrass, we help our agents scale by cutting out the excess and bringing them exactly what they need when they need it. No more, no less. Jacob explains, “That’s the beauty of being a business owner. You get to forge your own path. There’s never been a time at Tallgrass that we were looking to grow and were held back. At Tallgrass, there are no hindrances.” 

Sometimes the best way to help is to get out of the way, and we’ve worked hard to find that perfect balance of support and a hands-off approach at Tallgrass by treating all of our agents as the independent business owners they are.


How Tallgrass Helps Agents Scale

The freight business is full of ambitious, business-savvy agents with a mission to scale beyond limits. These heavy-haulers need the kind of support that will amplify their success, not weigh them down. Here are some of the ways agencies like the one Jake and Jacob own have scaled beyond their wildest dreams at Tallgrass.


Collaborative Approach

One way we empower our agents to earn millions is by maintaining an open and collaborative approach with each freight agency under our umbrella. We love hearing ideas and garnering feedback from our agents to help Tallgrass scale and improve, making our offerings better for agents and freight customers alike.

This teamwork mindset trickles down into agent relationships as well. Through events like our Agent Roundtables, we encourage Tallgrass’s independent freight agents to inspire and motivate one another, sharing their successes and failures to help each other do business better. 

“I think that’s probably the biggest catalyst for growth at Tallgrass,” Jacob reflects. “Whenever you step away from the day-to-day and are thinking about the business, and then you have other people who are doing the same thing and you’re talking through ideas and rationalizing things together.”


There When You Need Us, Not When You Don’t

Our goal at Tallgrass is to help agents run their businesses and do everything we can to get out of their way! We know one size does not fit all, and so our support looks a little different for each agency. “Tallgrass has just been open to that raw discussion and open to our needs as one of the larger agencies with Tallgrass,” says Jake. “They’ve been willing to hear us out and adapt to those needs.”


Back Office Support: The Ultimate ROI

The support doesn’t stop when you hit a certain point in your freight career. Your support needs just change! Freight agents — yes, even those running a multi-million dollar freight agency — have found it easier to scale at Tallgrass because they can allocate the time, energy, and resources they would normally need to use for administrative tasks into more sales thanks to the incredible back-office support. Managing everything from Accounts Payable and Receivable to credit lines to customer communications and more, the back office team at Tallgrass takes all that admin mental load on so agents can focus their efforts solely on sales and scaling.


When Agents Grow, Tallgrass Grows!

Cradle-to-grave freight agents aren’t interested in sitting idly by and missing out on chances for growth and success, and neither is Tallgrass! We pride ourselves on constantly looking for bigger and better ways to help our agents find success and make them feel right at home as part of the Tallgrass family. 

To run a multi-million dollar freight agency, you need the right systems and processes to run things efficiently. One example of this is our Freight CRM. We don’t just make the occasional software update for bug fixes – we have a brilliant tech team working all year round to incorporate ideas from freight agents that both improve current processes and add additional service offerings and value to the table.

Our leadership team is constantly engaging with agents and the freight market as well. Jacob explains, “We consistently have conversations with leadership at Tallgrass. If there’s a large opportunity of something that could help us scale considerably, they’re there to go out and even meet with a client that has some real promise.”


Ready to Tip the Scales in Your Favor?

If you’ve ever asked yourself, how can I run a multi-million dollar freight agency, hear this: You can do it at Tallgrass!

Jake and Jacob aren’t the only ones. Hey, we have our Elite Circle for a reason! At Tallgrass, we make getting out of our agents’ way an active, intentional process by providing support in the background without imposing any restrictions or limitations. As Jake puts it, “Tallgrass removes all obstacles and barriers.” 


If you’re ready to grow your freight business into a multi-million dollar success, Tallgrass may be just the place to kickstart your growth! Contact us to find out what Tallgrass can do for your book of business.