Meet the Team
Ryan Gregor

Ryan gregor
Collections and Credit Manager
Favorite binge watch:
Drink at happy hour:
Vodka cranberry
Favorite band:
With his natural talent for collections, Ryan Gregor serves our Tallgrass Freight agents as they rake in profits as our Collections and Credit Manager.
After studying IT in school, Ryan quickly realized that collections was his real sweet spot. In a serendipitous meeting, Ryan connected with a staffing company owner while he was playing at a professional poker tournament! From collecting at the poker table, Ryan grew to collect on a corporate level and managed the collections from $8 million when he started to $71 million at its peak. His next opportunity saw him in charge of collections for another staffing company collecting more than $165 million each year for the business.
Ryan has found his perfect fit here at TGF in the finance department. “I’m grateful to bring all my experience to Tallgrass to expedite collections and make our agents’ lives a whole lot easier,” Ryan says. As a total collections guru, Ryan has enjoyed jumping into the TGF system and working enthusiastically with the collection team.
“The people are great here. Everybody’s open, talkative and helpful.”
Making the move to TGF was an ideal choice, Ryan explains. “The people are great here. Everybody’s open, talkative and helpful.” It’s crystal clear to Ryan why the TGF leadership is focused on innovations and expanding the company with new ideas. “I hope, down the road, to help implement new strategies too,” Ryan adds, “so I’m super excited about things here.”
When he’s not at work, Ryan enjoys spending time with his wife and teenage stepdaughter. A Kansas City sports fan, Ryan likes to cheer for the Chiefs and the Royals. And with Ryan’s favorite pastime as a player in professional poker tournaments, it’s no surprise that Ryan enjoys bringing in the cash at work and at play!